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2022 CLUB

Important Dates
NOW - USGAA registration is open!
April 30th - USGAA registration deadline for players previously registered and club-to-club transfers. (Hard cut off)
August 1st - Registration deadline for NEW players
August 19-21, 2022 - USGAA Finals in Chicago
cova logo final.png
1. Please do both steps to register with COVA for 2022. 

2. Keep your information on-hand as it will be needed to complete your USGAA registration as well.

3. Club dues for the year are $75 per player for 2022
***Please contact the COVA Registrar (Jenn Shafer) on FB or by email ASAP with any questions regarding registration.*** 
1. Select Mid-Atlantic Division

2. Create a new account or log in to your existing account (same info from last year).

3. Fill out the registration information
 -Type of registration - "Resident Player Homegrown"
 -If you are transferring or were registered with another Club in 2020/2021, contact the COVA Registrar
-Team is Coastal Virginia Hurling or Coastal                Virginia Camogie

  -Grade:  Men - Junior
             Women- New players - Junior                            Prev registered women - Intermediate

         - Dual Code: No, Team - N/A, Grade - N/A 

You will complete registration through this portal and pay your dues based on code. Once you receive confirmation from USGAA, your registration is complete.

**PLEASE INSURE YOUR ID INFORMATION IS CORRECT. If it does not match your ID, you may not be permitted to play in sanctioned games, including Nationals.**
Registration Tips
1. Have your ID or DL license ready. You will be entering all your info twice.
2. You have to complete all 3 steps under the club logo to complete your CLUB registration.
3. The USGAA Registration must be completed separately. (Click on the USGAA registration button to be taken to the USGAA Registration portal.)
4. Each player must be registered individually with COVA and the USGAA. Family registrations differ in cost only. If registering a minor (U18), please check appropriate box.
5. In the Waiver module, you can change the last name of a minor, even though it is grayed out. 
6. If you have recently moved and have not updated your driver's license, enter your current mailing address. 
7. Cash/check payments should be given directly to the COVA Treasurer.
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