Schedule & Events
Friday, November 10th
3:00 pm-7:30 pm:
Coastal Virginia Welcome Table
Hotel Check-in for Delegates and attendees
4:00 pm -7:00 pm Advance Showing of the Hurling in America Documentary “Over The Bar” in the conference room.
5:30 pm – 7:00 pm Ambassador’s dinner at Grace O’Malley’s Irish Restaurant, Downtown Norfolk.
Evening Session
8:00 pm-10:00 pm:
​Presentation of Officer Reports:
Youth Officer
Update on 501(c)3 Regulations and Process
10:00 pm: Adjournment
Saturday, November 11th
Morning Session
8:30 am Registration of Delegates
9:00 am Welcome Addresses:
Jackie Trudell (Coastal Virginia GAA)
Gareth Fitzsimons (USGAA)
Ambassador Dan Mulhall (Ambassador of Ireland to the United States)
9:30 am Adoption of Standing Orders
9:35 am Minutes of 2016 Convention
9:50 am Presentation of Reports
Games Development​​​​
Hurling Development
Referee Development
2017 USGAA Awards
Other Old Business
12:00 pm Lunch
Afternoon Session
1:00 pm Resumption of Convention
1:00pm Roll Call
1:15pm USGAA Finals Host Committee Charter
1:45pm Motions
Election of Convention Chairperson/Secretary
Election of Officers for 2018
New Business:
Proposal re: USGAA Finals structure
Any other New Business
Adjournment of Convention
Upon Adjournment, Complimentary Guinness Hospitality Event in the Convention Hall
7:30 pm Post-Convention Social at Murphy's Irish Pub Oceanfront with music by the Fighting Jameson's and goodies from the Guinness Girls!

2914 Pacific Avenue
Virginia Beach, VA 23451
(One mile from the host hotel - an easy walk or Uber)